ELTERN BLEIBEN – Bündnis von Müttern und Vätern – Väteraufbruch für Kinder Kreisverein Köln e.V.

Beratung für Eltern bei Problemen mit Sorgerecht, Umgangsrecht, Jugendamt

Warshak räumt anhand der Auswertung von 110 internationalen Studien mit dem Vorurteil auf, dass gemeinsame Elternschaft bei sorge- und umgangsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten Kindeswohlschädlich sei.

Stemming the Tide of Misinformation: International Consensus on Shared Parenting and Overnighting

This white paper describes the purpose and background of a two-year project to stem the tide of misinformation that was generating confusion about where the scientific community stood on shared parenting for preschool children. Four decades of research were reviewed, analyzed, and vetted by incorporating feedback from an international group of experts in the fields of attachment, early child development, parent-child relations, and divorce. Social Science and Parenting Plans for Young Children: A Consensus Report was published in the American Psychological Association’s journal, Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, with the endorsement of 110 highly accomplished researchers and practitioners, several who contributed seminal studies cited in the report.

The paper refutes assertions that children cannot benefit from shared parenting and overnighting arrangements if their parents disagree about custody.
